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Panel 1: Mr. Orange, laying down, having landed conveniently in a break in a low wall between the sidewalk and small rolling hills of green. There are a few half-bricks strewn at his feet.
Panel 2: Naomi Atarah, head to chest, fixing her school uniform.
Panel 3: Several silhouettes are at the lower left of the panel. One of them has just vanished. Another is murmuring to their companion. Above them, Mr. Orange is laying as depicted in panel 1. A full gaggle of silhouettes are on the right side of the panel, more towards the bottom. Some of them are also murmuring among themselves. Mione, Tyler Weber, and Amy Selah are entering the scene at the bottom right of the panel. Tyler is still wearing his MSB cloak, but Mione and Amy are not. One of them, probably Tyler, is saying, "Excuse me."
Panel 4: Amy, head to waist, mostly obscured by the panel border and Tyler. In front of her, Tyler, head to waist. Behind him on his left, Mione, head to hips.
- Miss Atarah?
Naomi, from panel 5:
- Erm?
- My name is Tyler Weber.
- I'd like to... ah... ask you a few questions.
Panel 5: Naomi, head and shoulders. Her shoulders are in profile, her head turned to face us.
Panel 6: Naomi, forehead to shoulders. She's smiling, with her eyes closed.
- Sure!