From The Far Side of Utopia Wiki
Revision as of 15:09, 17 July 2018 by Tgape (Talk | contribs) (Updated first appearance to an earlier appearance, using the style suggested by PastUtopia on Peter's entry.)
Tyler Weber
Affiliation: Malsa (MSB)
Nationality: Palindra
First Appearance: [12/23/2014]
Tagged Appearances
A foreigner to Malsa, he is quite loyal to his adoptive country. Determined, ambitious, upstanding, and generally exceedingly talented both as a mage and a leader, the Bureau recognized his merit, and responded accordingly. Placing him at the head of a new branch, the Magical Security Branch, known as the MSB, tasked with finding, investigating, and enforcing in all matters where the breach of law in magic and dimensional matters is concerned. Unfortunately this is shared turf with the IDS, and they are not fond having a shared jurisdictional.