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Panel 1: Mium Efaite, sitting on a building. In addition to what we've come to know as his normal attire for school days, we get to see a good depiction of his shoes. They're dark beige, 10 grommets, laced with tight simple diagonal lacing. They have a velcro fastener which covers the top of the laces, hiding whatever method of tying his shoes he used. In the background behind him, we see a few other buildings, some grass between them, a chain link fence, and then trees and other buildings.
Panel 2: Mr. Orange, head and shoulders. He's wearing a blue suit, red tie, and a white shirt. His amber hair matches his amber eyes, though he looks older than most of the designer children we have seen so far.
Mr. Orange:
- Not the safest place to sit.
- ...
Panel 3: Mr. Orange, head to mid thighs. His pants appear to be a rather dark khaki. Mium, head and scarf.
Mr. Orange:
- Nice weather, huh?
Panel 4: Mium's eyes, forehead, right cheek and right ear.
Panel 5: Mr. Orange's left eyebrow, eyes, nose, right ear, and mouth.
Panel 6: Mr. Orange, head and shoulders.
Mr. Orange:
- Not even, "Hello, Mr. Orange"?