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Panel 1: An unknown Avon employee with light brown hair and light brown eyes, from his rear right. A meeting table with a number of pieces of paper on it, Directly across the table from him, a woman we will probably only ever see once more.


Information like that doesn't just leak!

Man: They don't stand to gain anything from it - they already have our man!

A diachromatic metal woman, from panel 2:

Enough with the senseless prattling!
There is no decision to make. Ignoring it is not an option.

Panel 2: A diachromatic metal woman, head to low shins. She has surprisingly prominent breasts and she has little cones where one would expect her ears to be.

Panel 3: The man from panel 1, face and shoulders.


And if it is a trap?

Panel 4: [[Ila | Someone sitting in an uncomfortable-looking chair, wearing a red outfit shoulders to ankles. and dark shoes, apparently staring at a large metal door. They are either wearing a white helmet or have entirely white hair.

The metal woman, from panel 2:

I have already said the successful prototype is due for a field test.
Deploy it with the retrieval team.