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Prev Chapter Prev Page [| Chapter 13 Page 22] Next Page Next Chapter

Panel 1: Arkady, head and left shoulder. He's wearing a gray uniform with one pip on the collar. His eyes are closed, his cheeks look smudged, scraped, or bruised, and he appears to have some blood dripping from his lips. Ila is poking him with her left index finger.

Panel 2: Arkady, same as before, except he looks cleaned up a bit. Ila still appears to be poking him.

Panel 3: Ila, head and left shoulder and arm. She is apparently looming over Arkady, whose perspective we are sharing.


Hey! You're alive again!

Panel 4: Ila, crouching beside Arkady, who is now starting to sit up.


Wh... um, ah?
Miss... Ah... Miss Ila?
Wha... What are you doing here? It's uh... dangerous?

Panel 5: Ila head to upper chest. She looks a little bothered by his concern for her.


Yeah... my brother said you were going to die. Sounds pretty dangerous. I might have died too for a bit.
Say... Mr. Arkady... you are my friend, right?

Panel 6: Arkady, head and shoulders, still probably out of it a fair amount.



Panel 7: Arkady, head and shoulders.


Heh... uh... yeah, of course, Miss Ila.

Panel 8: Ila, head to knees, now standing.


That's Good! I think maybe I caused a lot of trouble saving you...
It's okay though if you're my friend. Even my brother thinks so. Probably.

Panel 9: Arkady, head and shoulders, looking somewhat dazed still.


You mean to come here... How did you get here anyway... -!

Panel 10: Arakady, rising, suddenly very concerned.


Ah... Miss... Ila... the the warmage... the tank... did you...?
Sweet sages of damnation... oh... my... that's... what... you mean?

Panel 11: Kardus, resting in pieces. His right arm is at least five feet from what's left of his head and torso. His legs are not pictured. Most of his torso is sitting in a huge pool of blood.

Panel 12: The feet of the Arpontank are surprisingly intact... but that is all.

Panel 13: Arkady, forehead to cheek, right side of his face, between his nose and ear, exclusive.

Panel 14: Ila head to waist.


Oh... no... he was a bad guy... killing bad guys is no problem, I don't have that defect...
But I can't hear my brother right now... that's probably... pretty bad.

Panel 15: Arkady head to waist, head to right side.


Who... what... exactly... is... -
Ah... that sounds like a problem... for... later... We need to go. It is dangerous- er... it's not good to be here...