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Panel 1: Semar Lot face and shoulders.


If you'll excuse me, there are a few more new students to collect...

Panel 2: Peter Kepler, face and shoulders, still disheveled, but his shirt has lost most of its wrinkles. He looks mildly worried.



Panel 3: Kalisto Summers, face and shoulders. From this closeup, it's clear she's wearing the proper shamrock green blazer over a Levenworth green shirt. If Mium's tie was 0% loose, Naomi's 1% loose, and Peter's 100% loose, Kally's tie is somewhere in the 8-12% range. She looks much like the woman scorned that she is.



Panel 4: Peter, putting a brave, slightly jocular face on for the situation, face and shoulders. Kalisto, head down to her mouth followed by her word bubble. There's a line in the air between them indicating that they are looking at each other's eyes.


I had no idea you wanted to see me so bad... I almost feel bad for not answering the door now.


Assuming I'm here for you... Self-absorbed as usual...


So... you look tired and grumpy. Busy times, huh?


You look like a slob. If I didn't know that was your normal state, I'd say being a treasonous criminal was wearing on you.

Panel 5: Peter, face and shoulders, Mium Efiate, face and shoulders, Kalisto, Face to her mouth and word balloon.


See Mium... This is why I didn't answer the door. So you can stop giving me dirty looks.


I do not endeavor to advise you on social interactions, Peter.


Mium... is it? I suppose I should thank you for the help last time we met.