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Panel 1: Tyler Weber, blue coat over his impeccable Levenworth uniform, his right hand up in a 'stop' gesture, his left hand down by his side, clenched in a fist, and his feet several feet apart in a sturdy stance, surrounded by a green force dome. Lightning appears to be striking the dome from several directions, but is grounding out harmlessly.

Panel 2: Tyler, head to waist, his green force bubble starting to fade after the attack ended.

Panel 3: Tyler's face, eyes closed.

Panel 4: Tyler's right hand, fingers splayed, a magic circle apparent but too faint to glean much detail of it in his hand.

Panel 5: Tyler's right hand, now in a fist, with a blue fireball surrounding it.

Panel 6: A person from behind, head to mid hamstrings, upper arms slightly lowered, forearms held forward horizontally, hands in fists. Their torso is covered in blue, which extends to their wrists, and they're wearing gray pants. There is a magic circle floating around them horizontally, with some blue wisps forming in the air around them. It's not clear yet whether this is a forming attack or barrier. In front of him, at a fair distance, Tyler has expanded his fireball moderately.