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Prev Chapter Prev Page [| Chapter 13 Page 7] Next Page Next Chapter

Panel 1: Two soldiers, from the fight on Chapter 13 Page 3. There's a large overturned vehicle behind them, possibly a bus or troop transport. There is some dust swirling at the bottom of the page, around their lower chests.

Soldier five:

Shit, are you okay?

Soldier six:

I got punched in the face by a giant robot.
What do we do now? Where is the squad leader-

Panel 2: One of the soldiers, head and shoulders, his right arm up and covering his eyes and nose. The dust that was in the bottom of panel 1 is now up at eye level and much thicker.

Soldier five:

This is-

Panel 3: The two soldiers are shown in the distance. There is a vortex with some washed-out yellow to burnt umber light in it.

Soldier five:

What-? Fire-?

Panel 4: Soldier six with his head tilted forward. Head to upper chest.

Soldier six:

Wide area gaseous field warping. They've created a pressure vortex-
Whoever's doing that- they've centered it right on that damned thing-

Panel 5: Both soldiers, from far enough away to get soldier five's upper thighs and soldier six's flack-pack covered abs.

Soldier five:

The squad leader's been holding out on us-

Soldier six:

This isn't the- over there. That's going to be a family mage, damn, hope he realizes that thing can see his mana field-

Panel 6: Arkady front, head to ankles, dressed in a gray outfit. He has both arms out, but slightly lower than T-shaped. The tip of each middle finger appears to be roughly at the center of a couple of his height diameter magic glyphs. He appears to be standing on a building.

Soldier six, from off panel:

That's got to be Weber's replacement... He's early...
... Well, maybe just in time for our asses.
If he can avoid getting smeared, let's find a way to help him.

Panel 7: The giant robot or mech, leaping into action within the vortex.

Panel 8: The robot's fist, at the center of a magic glyph.

Panel 9: The building Arkady is standing on, with a tiny Arkady at the top. There is a swirling storm of debris in front of it.

Panel 10: Arkady, now with his elbows bent and his hands in front of his chest maybe half a foot apart, positioned like they're miming crushing something. There's a much smaller glyph in front of him. There's some debris flying in the air, and he appears to be off-balance such that he's about to fall forward. His knees are bent, possibly in the process of compensating for his unstable footing.

Panel 11: Arkady's arms, straight out in T formation. The magic glyph has expanded to stretch slightly past his hands.

Panel 12: All of the debris an a tight mass, possibly vibrating. Crack, Crack, Rumble, and CRASH! can be seen.