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Panel 1: Naomi Atarah in profile, head to lower thighs, walking with purpose. A big red door is not far in front of her.

Panel 2: Naomi, head and neck, looking past a door she apparently just opened.


Peter! There is an I.D.S. droprover-

Panel 3: Mium Efiate, head to butt, his scarf streaming down his back. Behind him, Naomi, head to back. Peter Kepler, in profile, head turned towards Naomi (and thus us).


-landing in the courtyard, yes, their response time is pretty impressive really.



Panel 4: Naomi, head and shoulders. She's come through the doorway and shut it behind her. There's a table on the wall behind her, with the letters, "w your" visible from its subtitle. Below the subtitle, it has four visible rows, three of which have two boxes and the fourth has one. Each column is in its own color, and each box has one large letter or glyph in it, with possibly some smaller letters or glyphs as well.


That agent knows about Mium, if the I.D.S...

Panel 5: The angle has changed slightly, and we can now see more of the table. At the top, it has a title of "Table", with a subtitle of "know your psonic -". There's a green column with two boxes before the first column we could see before, and three more columns beyond the last column that was visible before.


... but you know that and don't seem worried.
Why am I getting the feeling this is one of your plots?