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Panel 1: Kally, head to hips, viewed from about 30 degrees to her right; her hands are apparently together behind her back. She has a serious expression.


Ah... I'm sorry about that... I don't think even Peter expected that to happen.
To be honest, I am waiting for him. Peter said he'd come today, and he's late. That's not unusual, but it does make me... concerned.
I mean, not for Peter, just you know, for everything else.

Panel 2: Maia Ethi, head to upper thighs. Her head is turned to her left, and appears to be looking just over Magnolia's breasts. Magnolia Dai, head to thighs, is standing beside Maia, with her right hand on Maia's shoulder. As always, Magnolia's eyes are shut.


I don't get why you and Kepler came here in the first place... It doesn't really make any sense.
M.T.T. is a place for people too smart, important or dangerous for normal programs, but neither of you seem to need to be here at all...
... you're probably the strongest mage in the country, if you joined the war it could be over in a couple of days, yet you're idling here-


It is more complicated than that, Maia, don't you think?
The I.D.S. has mostly stayed out of the war... Don't you think that maybe Miss Summers is the reason for that?

Panel 3: Kally, head to hips, viewed from about 40 degrees to her left. She is standing beside a window. The lighting on this side is just bright enough to turn it into a very poor quality mirror. Her hands are now just beside her.


I'm just here to keep an eye on Peter... I don't... fight wars anymore.
I'll have to go back to the military when-... someday. But until then, I think I'm sort of inconvenient to them when it comes to the more petty type of squabbles.
I think maybe that's why I was sent here originally... probably some of the others, too.

Panel 4: Magnolia, head and shoulders.


Hmm... Maybe that has caused Malsa some trouble, but I'm still glad you're here... Who's to say how events would have turned out if you weren't... Maybe better, probably worse.

Panel 5: Maia, head and shoulders.


I think the dragon is cool! I guess it's dangerous, but with power like that you could do whatever you want!

Panel 6: Kally, head to hips, viewed head on, arms folded in front of her.


Destroying things tends to have ramifications that only people like Arron or Peter can predict.
I like being 'Kally', but the red dragon witch is a military asset... I can't just do what I want.
It's pretty troublesome right now, to be honest.