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Panel 1: Kallisto Summers talking with Arron Kepler. She looks a bit verticly stretched, he looks tired. The scene is a spartan office, with no signs in significant view. Instead, there's a big clear window featuring blue sky and a shadowed building skyline, with some green splotches towards the bottom. There is a door with a handle about to fall off that's open.

Kally: Two updates for you, Director. Arron: How bad are we talking about here?

Panel 2: Kallisto Summers talking, she looks concerned. Her stretched abdomen is not in this shot.

Kally: Corporate Affairs agreed to share their information on the whirlpool virus... But one of their suspects is PETER.

Panel 3: Arron Kepler, looking a little less tired and somewhat unruffled given the news he just received of his nephew.

Arron: Then I suppose we hope he stays off the radar as thoroughly as he as been.

Panel 4: Kallisto Summers talking with Arron Kepler. She looks a little miffed, he looks sad, possibly worried. The door has shut behind them. There's a sign on the wall beside the door, but Kally's head covers it well enough the only letter clearly distinguishable is an E.

Kally: Unfortunately... That's the second one. Peter showed up. He, well, he enrolled in a school.