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Panel 1: Mium Efiate face to waist, Kalisto Summers, face to waist. He is not displaying a discernible emotion. She looks bothered.
- I only sought to minimize casualties, Miss IDS.
- I'd rather you didn't call me that here...
Panel 2: Same as panel 1, but now Mium looks a bit apologetic and Kally looks concerned instead of annoyed.
- Everyone within auditory range of this conversation is already aware of your identity, Miss Summers.
Panel 3: Peter Kepler, face to waist in a no-wrinkles showing shirt, and wearing a tie that is only about 95% as loose as it was the last time we saw it, with his left hand on Mium's right shoulder. Mium, face to waist, with a blank expression on his face. Kalisto, looking quite annoyed at the two of them.
- It's okay, you can trust him about that sort of thing.
- Assuming I'd trust you of all people on who to trust...
- I'm guessing you won't tell me what you did yesterday... or if the rest of MSB can do that.
Panel 4: Peter, face to shoulders, looking shocked.
- ...
Panel 5: Peter, face and shoulders, laughing freely.
- Hahahaha... Heh
Panel 6: Peter, face to shoulders, his head tilted forward and to the left, his left hand raised and pressing against his forehead as if to support his head.
- Oh man, you're telling me that the CI Branch's intel is so bad these days that you think Mium is MSB. Heh.
- I guess you managed to sucker free info from me with that, but that's too funny.
Panel 7: Kalisto face to waist, face of fury.