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Panel 1: Peter Kepler, head to low shins, in profile, sitting in one of Tyler's desk chairs. He has a container of some sort on his lap.
- Do you mean to ask "is your country being invaded by evil space people?"
- Not currently, but it's probably on their TODO list.
Panel 2: Tyler Weber, head.
- I mean "are there evil space people in my country, and what are they doing here?"
Panel 3: Peter, head.
- I mean, I am sitting right here. I have been to space and probably have a whole list of references on the evil.
Panel 4: Tyler, head to waist. He looks like he's disappointed to realize that Peter's typical evasiveness is back.
- I'm referring to the ones blowing things up.
- I am hoping you are not in that group.
Panel 5: Peter, leaning back in the chair with his feet up on Tyler's table. He no longer has the pack in his lap.
- Ah, well, not currently. I suppose I am a bit more of a hobbyist on that front.
- Well, there is the Interdimensional Security... As far as you are concerned the two relevant branches are the mewling, bureaucratic, willfully blind, and generally incompetent H.Q. branch...
- And the actually vaguely dangerous, misguided, arrogant, and corrupt corporate affairs. I wouldn't call them intelligent, but they have a sort of animal cunning when it comes to being a nuisance.
Panel 6: Peter, still seated, head to chest, right 4/5ths.
- The I.D.S. is generally too gridlocked by infighting to do too much.
- Which is where you come in. As sometimes they need a little assistance to maintain their status quo.
- There is little need for direct intervention against them, but something will have to be done about PACT.
- This should appeal to you as PACT has little love for Malsa as is.
Panel 7: Peter, now standing in front of the chair, his arms open wide, palms up.
- Of course... I suppose to round out the list there are the actual 'evil space people', Kor's World.
- I mean, strictly speaking they don't come from space. But they are sort of like a meteor.
- One day everything is fine, the next, boom, there goes your civilization.
- Not much point in you worrying about them for now, really.