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Panel 1: Kalisto Summers, face to elbows, looking very irate. She appears to be yelling.


It's not funny! Even if you don't care about the IDS how you could do that to Arron -

Panel 2: Peter Kepler, face to elbows, looking surprisingly serious for once. His tie has even tightened itself up to about half as loose as it had been at first. Mium Efiate face to shoulders.




Your conversation will imminently no longer be private.

Panel 3: Naomi Atarah, face to mid shin, A green haired, green eyed friend, face to upper shins. Naomi's friend is wearing more or less the same outfit as Naomi, but her socks are not as long, as they don't show up in the page at all.




I didn't expect you to be back. I thought you were off to go save the world... Being that it's you I almost took you seriously.


I'm working on it. It's taking a while.


Amy was pretty upset that you didn't come back to join the MSB when it formed...


Oh? Why'd she want me so bad?


Are you being dense or modest now?